As early as 50,000 years ago, our ancestral Homo sapiens used whatever was in their surroundings to shield themselves from the harsh climate. Anthropologists have unearthed human fossils from the Arctic Circle and saw evidence of men’s clothing made of fur and animal skin. In retrospect, in regions where the temperature was much warmer, evidences of men’s clothes made primarily, of leaves and grass were discovered. These were used to cover primitive man from the dust and heat. At that time, men’s clothing was nothing more that an ingenious invention borne from necessity.
As centuries passed though, men’s clothing assumed a new significance— it became a signature for social status. Emperors and Kings wore ornaments made of gold and rare jewels; nobles wore hats, while peasants adorned themselves with shells and plain-colored garments.
Many decades later man found the means to bridge his geographical gap with his neighbors. As a consequence, men’s clothing became as diverse as the cultures of this world. Chinese men wore court dresses; the Scottish wore tartans and kilts, Filipinos were seen in their barongs that were woven from pineapple fiber. Because of this diversity, trends emerged and fashion as an institution was born. Designers and fashion magazines all fanned the flames of what was essential and what was frowned at in men’s clothing. Men were sized up by how his pants were creased, the length of his tie, if his belt matched his loafers. Fundamental rules and classifications surfaced and they became codes that the modern man lived by. For instance, brown belts should never go with black shoes. This applied across all cultures that required shoes and belts on formal functions.
Amidst this celebration of diversity, the concept of haute couture emerged. Remarkably, this gave men’s fashion the tool for individual distinction. A separation from the rest not dictated by social status, rather, by preferences. Indeed, by having clothes designed and made especially for oneself emphasized one's uniqueness.
Men’s clothing became a form of expression.
How a man saw himself was ultimately reflected by how he dressed. Everyday was one big costume party that showcased men’s clothing and its 50,000 years of history, give and take.
As life became more and more fast-paced, a new element was soon incorporated into men’s clothing-– comfort. Looking good became as important as feeling good. Modern lifestyles required clothes that did not require special cleaning and tedious caring.
In response to this need and as a consequence of capitalism and trade, technology nurtured the discoveries and inventions of fabrics and methods of clothes making. Nylon, Polyester and Lycra are but a few synthetics that replaced natural fibers. Mainstream men’s clothing was mirrored by sports wear that breathed like skin, smart office wear that repelled water, and shoes that complimented a foot’s contour instead of the other way around. Men’s clothing in retail boomed.
In the transition between haute couture and retail, constants were defined. Today, these staple articles are as essential as to men’s clothing as they were when they were first created.
The suit
In business and formal functions, the suit has claimed stake as the most appropriate ensemble in the pool of men’s clothing. A man can never go wrong by showing up in a suit.
The blue jeans
Levi's, Mossimo, and Lee are just some of the labels that have paved the way for what jeans are all about now and how they should be worn- deconstructed, faded, or acid-washed. From a workman’s essential to a casual staple, jeans have secured its place as an icon of men’s clothing.
The Cross Trainer
Nike and Adidas have cornered the market by ever-revolutionizing shoes that conquer even the testiest terrain and the most rigorous of training programs. These shoes are not an after-thought in men’s clothing, rather, the first that is thought of and for which, all other fitness apparel follows.
The T-Shirt
T-shirts were originally undergarments worn by laborers. A classic example of metamorphosing use of garments, by the end of World War I, it became a permanent trend for casual wear.
For the years to come, fashion will continue to evolve and will continue to be influenced by emerging technologies, trends and necessity, but utility and design will always be key elements in men’s clothing. The marriage of form and function in men’s clothing will never be divorced.
Ask a man this simple question. What can enhance your look, personality and
appearance in a matter of moments?
Some may find it difficult to say? The answer is a quality shirt. Shirts can help to reorganize the way you look. A Shirt is comfortable and can be cool, fashionable, elegant and stylish. It symbolizes freedom, comfort and individuality of that concerned person. You can wear them for casual, wedding, dinner, business, travelling, all seasons, and anytime and for any purpose.
While selecting a shirt you need to take notes on fashion, coordination that matches your skin and hair color. Imagine a light haired man with fair colored skin tone, in a pure white shirt. The pure white shirt cannot do a thing to enhance his appearance. Shirts come in different fabrics and textures generally to fit you well as well as being versatile, and more economical too.
Shirts are the easiest way for you to reflect your personal style. They are not only for style, but also it is a cover to partly safeguard and protect your skin from the hot sun, dust and cold. Plenty of fabrics like cotton, poplin, linen and wool in different textures, and blended varieties are available.
Cotton garments are durable and very comfortable to wear. Some choices like 60%, 80% cotton blended with other fabrics is suitable for some, while 100% cotton is preferred by many. The different types of cotton shirts are Casual Wear cotton shirts, Men?s dress shirt, Polo shirt; knitted cotton wears, cotton T shirts etc.
Linen is epitomized as luxury. The coolness, strength and brilliance is most often found in linen compared to cotton. Linen is woven into fabrics. It is durable, strong and resists rotting in wet climates.
There are endless impressive displays of shirt styles and designs to choose from. Versatile styles of men?s shirts remain as the formal shirt casual shirt tailored shirt slim fit shirt, evening , business, cuffed shirt, long sleeve, short sleeve and summer shirt. Thousands of stripes, patterns, colors, and a wide variety of crisp white shirt fabrics are also available.
Choose double cuffs or button cuffs. Renowned designers never miss to add this type to their catalog. For grand occasions wear a double cuff shirt with Cuff links or cuff fabric knots etc. This button cuffed shirt should suit any perfect evening wear.
We all know very well the collar shape is controlled by the neckline. A broader face with a thick neck and tiny collar will look imbalanced. Likewise a shirt with long points may drown a small man with different features. You have to choose your collar, standard collar Cut Away Collar, Button down Collar and wing collars are available.
Some of the world?s most renowned and followed brands are said to be The Russell Collection, Patagonia cotton, American Apparel Brand Lion Brand to name a few. These brands have established themselves strongly and you can pick your favorite, without thinking about quality and other particulars.
Benefits Of Online Purchase:
Is it possible to search all the brands and collections in a retail shop? Your shirt purchase is easy with just a click here. Sure, in this world all things are possible! The most inexpensive way to shop for shirts is online. What can you get online? You can avoid stepping into all those stores to find the shirt of your taste, plus you can save time and escape from roaming tirelessly. Not only that, when compared to the traditional shopping system the price will be cheaper, because online shoppers do not include show room maintenance charges, extra advertisement charges etc
Moreover large volumes of versatile fabrics, styles, designs, colors and sizes can be viewed by sitting in your own living room, and can get clarified immediately by email or over the phone to make your order. The online purchase is safer for money handling. You need not go to the bank to draw out your money. You can buy with your Master, Visa, Discover, American Express etc, Debit cards are also accepted. So why delay? Start browsing, to select the right shirt and enjoy the benefits.
When you get bored of all the options that you have in your wardrobe and want to add some interesting yet smart options to it, purple may be a color worth considering. Even though the first thought that may come to your mind while reading this is that the author is out of his mind, read on and think again. Many people are choosing to adopt the unconventional purple because it makes an elegant and strong fashion statement.
The trick, however, is in the manner you choose the other accessories and how you combine your purple with other colors depending on the shade of purple you decide to wear. Other bright colors are a big no-no with purple. Pinks, oranges and red are color which you should not even give a single glance to while deciding to wear something purple.
If you are in the mood to wear a bright shade of purple, then you should consider dark accessories or a black coat to go along. A black skirt / trouser with a light purple top will make you look like royalty. Dark purple, on the other hand, should be teamed with light neutral colors like beige, cream and off-white. If you don’t want to be ousted by your friends and colleagues in a social gathering couple purple only with blacks, brown, cream, beige, white or on the outside a tan color. At no cost should you include any other colors.
If you are not confident about being able to decide the right color mix and are not positive that you can carry off a purple dress but still want to flirt with the color, you could try adding a hint of purple to your attire by using purple accessories. These could be in the form of buttons, earrings, scarves or pins.
But this piece of advice does not mean that you venture out and wear purple socks or shoes to match your purple shirt. It will smack of being cheap and flashy. Avoid purple shoes and any kind of purple dresses which are the same color from top to bottom. Too much of purple makes you look exactly the opposite of what you want to appear as. Purple should be used selectively with a certain angle to give a hint of nattiness without seeming to be flashy.
The color purple is beautiful and men and women alike should use it. But still, judicious use of the color is essential to get the desires result.